Wednesday 29 July 2015

Be Patient. It's coming to you.

Sometimes you have to go through the worst to get to the best.

Like moving Interstate…

When I set the intention and threw out to the world that I was going to move interstate, never in a million years (jokes I manifested the shit outa it clearly in my sleep) did I think in my mind I would be moving to Darwin AND in such a short period of time. From decision point to arrival; 6 weeks. Disclaimer I had announced in March that I was going to move to Melbourne in October.
That 6 weeks – fucking whirlwind, and I seem to be using that word a lot lately, because I can’t quite find the words to describe how it’s happened, what Has happened and how I have felt besides, holy shit balls mother fuck whirly bird on a merry-go-round. 
Ever have one of those days/weeks/months? 
Travelling, moving house, jobs, new car, new relationships, new life, big life decisions, life changing moments, weddings, deaths, births – all those kinds of roller-coaster massive, magnificently breath taking moments. 
I feel like I’ve had a few in the last 2 months. 
So getting to Darwin was sweet – yes, moving interstate was ‘interesting’ – lets leave it at that. Grateful beyond words for having a mother who packed up my whole house, cleaned it, painted it and rented it out to another – fair game, it was her house to begin with. But boy would I be royally up the creek with no proverbial shitty paddle for lifesaving. 

Exciting times ahead, one could say – moving into a new industry to build another stream of income, continue growing my business in the health and wellness industry BUT also play my hand in Real Estate and learn another skill. Property alongside helping people gain better health is up there in my books as beautiful and never ending as a love affair. Both similar in scenarios – I look at how I coach and nurture people in my NM business through life changes, both in business and wellness – then I now see so many paralells when you help someone through a life changing move, from one home to the next. It’s people – I LOVE people and all of their imperfect perfectness. What is better? I heard recently someone describe the meaning of life and why we are put on this Earth as – “ To help each other, to help someone else for the better” – it literally is that simple. Serve, love, help, repeat. 

So I step into this arena and spend my first week in sunny Darwin, get on the champers on ladies night and wake up into a long weekend at the start of this exciting new term for me – thinking fuck my life, what have I done, your shit at this, you don’t have this you don’t have that and where the hell Are you. 
Yep – I have more food than any starving African, more money than most of Greece, more stability than that stupid volcano in Bali and more choice than any independent body comparison charts yet here I am hating the shit out of my situation, Darwin, my new apartment, my future, the next month ahead, especially the next two weeks and god knows what into the future. 
I didn’t leave the house at one point for an entire day – I worked inside, I dwelled on everything that was wrong, I didn’t take ANY of my own advice. 

It was like the last 2 months of chaos and hectic-ness had come to a stop and so my mind said awesome work Denelle, I’m going to sufficiently fuck you up. 


Do not return to positivity. Nope don’t you dare. You sly dog. It’s too good over there – come back here and wallow. 

Hahah – exaggeration, I was totally fine I’m sure (not in my mind) – and to some spending a quiet weekend cleaning, un-packing, cooking, cleansing, hot yoga and walking to the beach to watch a sunset would be absolute Bliss! This time, my mind, ego fucker, decided it was shit. 
I love this point, the point where you sit back and laugh about what you thought about back when you thought things were tough but really you were just bullshitting yourself. The self-reflection point. 
And I’m so grateful – truly am, because I know, hear and see some people never get to self-reflect. 
Some completely sit, wallow, cruise and never get out of that pity, that rut, that ‘whatever’ right, whatever it is your going through. 
That wall kicking, head slamming moment when you think the world is against you and you feel like swimming to the end or the edge is just too hard and going to take Forever. Well I’m grateful, for the pain, the disbelief, the no you can’ts, the doubt (OH THE DOUBT), the negative voices, the I’m bored, the lack in motivation, the too much motivation, the crying, the laughing – every piece, because it just means I was growing. Growing so I can finally be 6 foot tall and not have to wear heels to feel like a lady boss. 

After 2 years of hard core personal development, spending 10’s of thousands on my own education and development – courses, books, audio, webinars, coaching, mentoring, new business learning curves and new skills I am so, oh ever so grateful to have a wall kick and a little slow time to really let it all sink in. 

And also realize that there is nothing like physically moving and changing your environment to really, REALLY shake things up and test all that learning – to really actually then push you the extra mile. 

Moving away from my comfortable and into a whole new spectrum is beautiful, yes painful – but boy oh boy will I go through the pain again any day in a heart beat to learn a new lesson. 

Being away from loved ones, the love one, friends, normal shops, normal classes, gym, yoga studio, just alllll the familiar and then have to start each new day with a new something – and continue to keep the success routine has taught me so much more appreciation for life, those I’ve left, those I’ve met, the power of the mind and the universe. 

Being alone and I mean completely living alone – but not driving distance from any familiar has shaken my foundations. 

When was the last time you took something for granted? Thank you universe for shaking me this much to see how beautiful life really is, and how lucky I am – we are realllllly. 

Stop thinking about tomorrow, live for right now and remember that nothing is EVER as bad as it really seems – tomorrow I’m 26 and I sit here loving this reflection, this move and all the lessons it’s brought me – and excited for the ones to come. 

Love you ALWAYS xx

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Do you think she's beautiful?

But First Let's Talk about Freckles for a minute. 

yes those hot little beauty spots you either love or hate or don't give a shit about. 

some don't care - some look beautiful and some will forever be the 'omg I hate them put as much make up on as possible and cover them up and I'm always going to be teased' or ' god I can't go out in public without a fake tan on and makeup' 

I may have been the later in lives past. Not going to lie, we all have our hang ups. 

but what I can tell you is that there is a direct correlation from when I stopped wrecking my mind and body and soul with miscellaneous party habits and started loving myself, then discovered how much i really hated myself and then stomped that shit on the head and started loving the shit outa myself (with the occasional daily, Denelle 'you can't do that you're not good enough voice' - much like a hangover that gets better with age and time - I'm squashing that voice into a million pieces. 

so here's a fucking cool picture of a VERY beautiful woman and I know it's random and I know some of you reading might (I have no idea why, haha) not think she is. But beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder - yeah yeah heard that before. 

but seriously, we adapt to the situation……. like today 
       I lay in savasana and there is the light touch of a piece of hair on my face, sticking to the sweat on my face - thats sticky post a hard ass power vinyasa in a 32 degree celsius heated room, and I feel it and leave it there thinking about the bad paired clothes I had worn to class and the lack of towel after rushing from a working afternoon in another suburb and the way I would look when walking out of here. And I thought - there is never a time when I will look perfect or be perfect or have the right EVERYTHING - and I actually probably looked great maybe to someone else post class, they may have been thinking the exact same thing about themselves. I lay there feeling the tickle on my face and breathing slowly, dead still in the dead mans pose, listening to the teacher - Jess the absolute earth angel and I actually can't even remember what she said, I remember having the biggest realisation that imagine if someone wearing perfect makeup and heels and a dress pant was to walk into the yoga shop or to class and probably could have look amazing on a run way or in Paris or whatever but looks like a complete duesch in the yoga environment. and Vice Versa. 
how many times do we try and fit a mould based on what we think society wants and then try and perform up to that mould - when every single scenario and situation will have its very own version of 'jus right' and 'fitting in' ------- ergo we will NEVER fit in, we will NEVER be just right. 

So why even try? Just love your own version of ok and fall into your heart space, listen to it's whipsers above the shit your mind is trying to tell you via someone else's influence or opinion. Jus love the shit out of yourself and every single freckle will come alive and be the very beauty spot it was designed to be - the mark of beauty from your heart on your skin for the outside world to see. 

so here's to all the guys and gals with freckles and all the guys and gals with a idea of trying to look good for other peoples benefit, just do it for you babe. 

and ps the above is a trick question - OF COURSE she's beautiful, and OF COURSE she's not - whatever you think, either way, you're right. 



Thursday 23 April 2015

What I think about my lazy ass.

I'm not even going to bother editing the below or reading it, and there doesn't seem to be an introduction so get stuck in ladies and gents, and don't mind the spelling errors. 

We have so much information, we have SO much books, reading material galore, online, offline, free, expensive, coaches, personal development, positive think this, uplift that, this method, that method, this way, that way, on and on and on so much so that the humble human being looking to change their life and educate their mind, stretch their awareness and personally develop could actually stumble and fall right at the start before they’ve even started.

First born sickness – never able to make a decision, so just don’t do anything at all? Sound familiar? Yup that’s me most of the time, and I am queen of last minute feel the pressure pull a miracle from my ass.

We’re spoilt, we’re fucking spoilt to beyond the realms any humble beginnings. There’s no longer just one method or course, and please before you start debating with me or judging (I know you are you human) KNOW that I am IN LOVE with this information age and the abundance of courses, books, material free to anyone willing to make the first step. IN LOVE. Because there is something that will help Everyone. And the only way will always be authentic connection to what you want, find it, grab it and go with it.

Yet I see so many people NOT. It’s like there’s SO much personal development and books and conversations ABOUT the books that nothing is actually changing in their lives. Ever feel like your stuck on a hamster wheel, working away, chipping down on that ego and negative self talk, continuing to ‘release fear’ and ‘overcome obstacles’ and ‘pour self love’…. YET nothings shifting?

Well I’ve had a thought, and I followed it – smelt the little sucker and sniffed on it’s trail like a beagle.
Listening to the mentors of all mentors and Master Trainer, transformational leader of the world David TS.  Wood, he asks a question of the expert he had on his podcast; how people could get in touch or reach out to the Dr’s method of breaking through to clear baggage and resentment. People who perhaps couldn’t reach a computer or were only in contact with a public library and had phones only or perhaps didn’t have the internet all the time and couldn’t afford one of his seminars, how could They reach out to start implementing his method and breaking through what was stopping them being happy / successful etc…
So it hit me that holy shit balls, are we lazy, we are so freaking lazy and spoilt for choice that we’re in a vicious circle of unproductivity and what should have been easier in this new information world is now in fact harder, thanks to the sheer abundance of the information itself!

I’m sure what I have just said above IS NOT NEW, and if your educated and cynical then you’ll probably stop reading now because you feel like you’ve got the punch line. I don’t know – just a thought.
BUT seriously – we are. Lazy that is.
Think about this, in Napoleon Hill’s time (google him if you don’t know who I’m talking about) there was no being spoilt for choice of information and courses and books. Because of this limited choice the ‘book’ that would be available was 1. Read 2. Read again 3. Put into ACTION

Whereas what I feel myself doing and maybe I am right in observing others do, is that I read something, I love the shit out of it, then I don’t do the very thing I was told by Eckhart Tolle himself to do and read it again, highlight it, read it again and highlight and put everything I’m reading into Immediate action – as well as review along the way and course correcting and then looking at the triple threat highlight knowing that when I want to refer back to the book I will have easy reference points. I will have ingrained that learning and possibly create a new possibility or habit or ritual that serves me and stopped the one that Doesn’t.

Same goes for courses we attend – OHHH so many breakthroughs, so much crying, so much weight lifted off our shoulders. And then people walk out face the first 20 obstacles and say well fuck this – way too hard, facebook is going off tonight it’s Monday and there’s a new YouTube clip out on this or that.

It’s no secret, information has made us lazy and all of a sudden every second person had ADD or ADHD when they probably, actually, reallllly don’t.

So do we read another book or listen to another podcast on how to have discipline to stick to one book or podcast’s teachings and follow them through until we’ve changed and succeeded in distinguishing if that teacher or method is good for us?

Or do we just stick to one fucking thing at a time?

We all know that skills take refining, success is the small things that are probably mundane done over and over and over again UNTIL.

So start with the way you are educating your brain – be consistent with one thing and perhaps the rest will follow? Fuck I don’t know I’m no expert, but I am going to give this a go.

  +  Firstly – I’m going to stop being a non-finisher and put down all the books I’m reading and JUST READ ONE – and actually within the week or month, and actually implement and highlight.

  + Secondly – YouTube Clips they’re going to be kept to meditation and short shit for motivation when I need it.

  + Thirdly – I’m going to TALK to people more about what I’m learning because according to the VARK learning test I am miles ahead on the count of being an Auditory learning, so talking about it and putting in action and teaching others will cement that shit in that ol sub-conscious like a boss.

Nothing new, just my words, glad to have spilled my guts again and I hope you stick around for the next spill because I’ve realised I am not invigorated unless I’m writing and talking about what I’m learning.

SO look out for the new blog and website. I’m super duper excited to pour my heart and soul into for your pleasure and giggle.

Love you all immensely.

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Mistake is NOT a dirty word

Learning to Love yourself and ALL your Mistakes 

Learning constantly from your good and not so good actions is what keeps me awake and inspired – I truly have come to realise that very recently.

You know sometimes when you hit that flat spot and feel like your stuck, your going no-where OR in fact you feel like your going backwards? No?
I do – I have in fact had THAT recently, 2014 came to a delicious close and I almost had this lost, funny funk at the end where I didn’t reflect and honour myself Enough for just how far I had and have come from the living hell I put myself in a mere 2 years ago.

Thank You Denelle for choosing to change, and then Thank You Denelle for accepting every single curve ball that was thrown at you along the way.

But fast forward to tonight AND
My beautiful darling heart friend PK on a coaching call threw out into the wind Everything I’ve been feeling this last week. I couldn’t quite put into words how I was feeling about recognising that I’d come this far, then stalled, then felt a little shit, then self studying my place and why I felt shit and recognised where I was and where I needed to go and then DOING something about it.

Ever feel like you need a flotation device to get through the waves of growth? I do. 

So I will use her words, every day there are little ‘shifts’ happening, I’m literally shifting my mindset and growing Every Single day. This is nothing new you say?

And yes it’s all very clichéd.

BUT today I’ve gone through a rollercoaster of emotion when something happened and came to me through a very unlikely path and it’s shone a spotlight on my stall-mate. My standing still and not actually moving forward ability right now.

I WILL NOT and YOU WILL NOT attract the things and people YOU want or I want until you become that thing, that trait, that ideal. If your not there yet and you want to be and you want the success and by success I mean a feeling personally, mentally, business wise Whatever – then get to hard ass work on your ass.
Literally Work, Work, Work on your self and then on your shit. Iggy has got it down pat, get up, suit up and work. Does this have to be boring and a hard slog? Nope, no, absolutely not. I actually reckon that if it IS shitty then it’s probably not the right path.

SO what do you do when you realise you’ve hit a wall and have come ridiculously far in this short time on earth and your so far into a journey, or new way of life, or new job, or new venture and you go SHIT I need to stop and review and WORK on a particular area. ?????

I Know that there are so many success principles out there and so many mentors and coaches, and people who have massive success and that we should model and follow what others who are successful and happy and do what they do? Right, yep, tick.

SO I’m going to put that to the test – I Can’t progress in my business, I can’t attract the people I want to have on my board of my new company I can’t grow as a human being to reach a higher happiness or enlightenment or I can’t help have an impact on this world and the people of Australia or the world without having some painful growth and some serious self reflection.

I want to share this with you though – and I realise that’s what I’ve always done before, BUT I want to intimately share with you how I feel and how I over-come that feeling with a Action to make my success situation better.

SO what am I struggling with right now?
HA – where do I start?
BUT I have learnt hard that if I try and focus on Everything I want to change ALL at once then I am sure to set myself up for failure.

I am wanting to become stronger of the things I look for in a Leader – I want to get up in the morning and Simply stick to a schedule…. Simple right?

Babes trust me I Love spontaneity – YES I love adventure and running on my own schedule BUT I also want to be able to kick back in 5 years with true financial freedom, the real freedom to living without a restraint and being able to help people whenever you want and where ever you want. THAT is where I want to be in 5 years.
And guess what?
It’s not going to happen with long walks on the beach and pina coladas…
SO I will love on myself, and I will honour some downtime and I will exercise and yoga and meditate and give ME the time I deserve.
BUT holy fuck balls – I will NOT be sitting back cruising and pretending I’m not working when I really actually just want to be working on my dream.

And I then sit back and thing to myself well when you LOVE what you do – then your not really working are you?

Every single day I am going to wake up and listen to Robin Sharma’s success tips for getting up at 5 am I’m going to solidly join the club, I’m going to change that one small ritual and change it consistently – because I’ve tried and gone down that path and it worked – but I didn’t make the habit. I will do the work I need to first straight away in the morning before I have to go to any events or day job that I need to attend and I’ll do that with the knowledge and gut feeling of accomplishment and knowing that I’ve eaten the frog early in the morning and have the rest of the day ahead of me.

I’m committing to reading a new book this week which I have been given as a task anyways – it’s Brene Brown – Gifts of Imperfection, I will pick it up and read it despite the difficulty I found when I opened it last time… There’s going to be a take away and I’m going to start loving myself more.

WHY? Well the biggest lesson I’ve learn over the last couple of weeks through loss and heart ache and being in a un-observed pity party is that I’m hardest on others when I’m being hard on myself. And that gets no one anywhere.
Least of all me or the ones I love the most that surround me. If you agree with this then feel free to email me or comment below and share your experience and how you feel you treat others when your hating on yourself.

Stop hating on the inside and start pouring the love right on in so that you over-flow and love all on the people around you.

Sucking it up, being a little bit better and a little more accepting of the hardness will bring so much more fulfilment and happiness into your life.

And my biggest things I want to feel this fine Twenty Fifteen is fulfilled, accomplished, less worried and less overwhelmed. I need to love myself more – I want to feel more loved and the only way this is going to happen is if I start loving myself first.

Simple actions – daily actions, simple tasks, daily reflection – If it looks like I’m being a hermit and working more, then take that as whatever you want.
I think I want personal success and love and fulfilment and impact on others more than I want pretty pictures that don’t grow past mediocrity.

Sending Love to you all always.
And I hope you take Something away from this and my journey that might be able to Help you become a better version and a better human being.


Sunday 4 January 2015

Getting up early enough to Live

Happy Monday Hotties

I love the idea of getting up without an alarm clock – NOT being on anyone’s schedule. I have been that person today and absolutely slept the hell in – ignoring the heat, ignoring the snooze button all together and not giving any fucks about my schedule that I had aligned with a massive business week.
BIGGEST downfall – it’s now so hot that my aircon isn’t working, I’m regretting sleeping late and not putting my phone on the other side of the room, and even though I practiced yoga, meditated and went to the chiro this morning, I’m now a sweaty betty running low on time.

BUT I Know this is just a holiday sleep in hangover, that’s turned into me working late nights. Right?

This last year after coming off a corporate alarm clock and then a construction site based 5 am starts with 4 am rises, I’ve wobbled between Wanting an early morning start to my day and being a total night owl learning how to self discipline;
Cue the cons of being your own boss and an entrepreneur.

SO you say, well; you must not it bad enough, the fire isn’t lit in your belly, your lazy, your this or your that and you start to compare, compare, compare… Especially when you hear the stories of the winning guys and gals of the world or your industry killing the late night/early morning incessant workaholic look or the 5am club. 

I disagree – I always want the bigger picture, I’m creating massive visions, dreaming big, setting my goals bloody high and plenty-full, but I’m failing on the ritual side. And that’s ok, I couldn’t just step out of bed one day a born again self motivator with no said boss man structure to my working week and take to it like a duck to water now could I?

There has never been any structure in my life – I grew up on a cattle station in the middle of no-where, with a Mum who was amazing and left me to my own devices, getting me up for school but ultimately letting me design my own day, I LOVE this – but I also understand I’m not the best morning person. So awesome flow into adult life – I now sometimes struggle to maintain routine. Whoops, well no surprises there.

What is it? What can I do? I’ve turned to Robin Sharma and Tony Robbins in this instance to help me pull my proverbial shit together and catch the elusive morning breezes. Because I KNOW Rumi – I know, YOUR right sister. Absolutely, I want to catch those secrets from the morning breeze. They have many stories to tell.

SO Happy hot ass Monday, hope your feeling it beautifully where ever you are, and if your stuck in a job or a situation where you don’t like it and your being one of those annoying gits complaining about it to everyone who will listen – remember this: Thoughts become things, what you say will manifest and so if you think about something long enough, speak about it long enough  and then do things towards it long enough – it will eventually come true. Huh? Yes you’ll still be stuck in the same situation whinging about the same day, wondering WHY you’re in that situation and wishing someone would come along and rescue you.
The universe loves you, so stop whinging to it, give it a reason to rescue you.

Love Dee

PS Enjoy the clip – Robin Sharma is the bomb diggity.